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Before you start
What's in a script?





You will have to write a script for a TV show, a movie, or an ad.  (Minimum 8 pages)



You can start from a show or a movie that already exists, and invent a new intrigue, or an alternate ending.


You can also come up with a completely new idea for a show or a movie and write a scene or two about it.


You can come up with a script for an advertisement 



But first, ...

Write a logline 

A logline helps you define what your story is about.  Like the "logline" written to describe a movie on Netflix.




























When that is done, you can start writing your script.


The script should be 6 pages in length for a pair of 2 students.   8 pages for teams of 3-4 students.

Start Brainstorming!




To summarize, I want:

- A logline for your story (+/- 35 words)
- An 8 pages script. (Team of 3-4)
   A 6 pages script. (Individually or in pairs)




TIMELINE:  4 Classes.  Including today.



 - respect of format

 - free of mistakes

 - Length

 - originality




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