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Show and tell video

Objective: Show me a skill that you have in a video.

Your video should be about 30 seconds.
You need to talk during the video.

Use the sentence starters:


- Think of a skill that you have, something you are good at, something that you like to do. ex: (skateboarding, hunting, dancing...)


-Prepare a couple of things you could say in your video using those SENTENCE STARTERS:

-I can... (explain your special skill)
I have been able to do this... (since when?) 

Once, ...(explain anecdote related to this skill of yours)

- I like being able to do this because...

- (any other relevant information)



Using you own iPad or phone, or any other device you have, create a short video in which I will hear you talk about that skill.


Handing in you video 

You can return your video in anyway you want:
- Youtube, Homework drop, Teams message, etc..





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